Sunday, May 3, 2015

Talking Points: Indian and Chinese Way of Interactions

In China, people discuses everything under the sky except politics. Social gathering is meant to eat, drink and talk anything but politics. The common topic for discussion is food, TV Serials, Novels, Movies, etc. People travel to distant places to eat the specialty of the region. And the standard Chinese language Putong Hua 普通话 ensures the smooth dialogue with local peoples. Being an Indian, feel awkward when no body talk politics in train journey. It can be rightly inferred that Beijing has engaged or provided people other avenues to divert attention from politics.

People in India talk nothing under the sky but politics, whether they are on tea stall or any social gathering. Common peoples have not traveled out of their village except now in the search of jobs. Youth at most travel from their home town to the city of school or University. Domestic travel is negligible and so our understanding of cultures of different regions. The only  thing that links different regions and peoples in India is Politics, common topic for chat.

Thus, people in India have engrossed themselves so much in politics or its politics to engross people in politics that they forgot everything.

In both the cases, peoples have been deprived of , either hard way or soft way, a healthy society.

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